HTSB Homepage General New Website Launch

New Website Launch

I wanted a place to host the videos so you don’t have to go searching through the chat for a link and so I purchased a new domain and wrestled with wordpress (I hate you wordpress) to get something basic up. Hope it’s convenient.

Currently there’s a page for posts like this, a page for the videos, and a page for the hall of champions (which admittedly takes an aesthetic hit). I plan to add a rules page too for league specific rules so that they can be referenced instead of living in my brain. The new pick swap rule will go in there as well. I’m also potentially thinking of one for trades and maybe if I get ambitious enough one day I can build out some sleeper integration to get some league stats. Don’t hang your hopes on that one. I also need to get some better styling because the site is quite ugly right now.

Also apparently I can add users to comment on blog posts like this? If you want a user account I need your email so just drop it in the sleeper chat or text it to me and I’ll get you added. Don’t know how valuable that will be but 🤷

If you have any ideas for anything else, let me know. Enjoy!

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